The Chosen Songs Season 2 (CD)
Season Two Soundtrack
Season 2 also features the vocals of Ruby Amanfu (you know her from the iconic “Walk on Water”), and we’ve got a special bonus for you—an entirely new rendition of fan-favorite “Trouble” performed by the band The Lower Saints.
Product Details:
Songs: Product Package indicates 20 songs - but the 15 below is actual amount.
- Walk on the Water
- He’s Gone
- The Sons of Thunder
- The Synagogue
- The Architect
- Jesus and Mother Mary
- Brothers Montage
- Assassination
- Demoniac
- Mary’s Forgiveness
- Withered Hand Blues
- Jesus Detained
- Beatitudes Montage
- Multitudes
- Trouble (extended version) (featuring The Lower Saints)
The Chosen Season 2 Soundtrack can also be downloaded on Spotify and Apple Music.
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