
The Chosen El camino de los elegidos

Vanligt pris $17.99
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We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life.
This third study guide picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives—not just
hearing, but doing it.


Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God.
The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes:

  • Forgiving the way Jesus does
  • Going when and where He says to go
  • Grieving what He grieves
  • Standing firm on His words and character
  • Delighting in the things that please Him
  • Asking because He says to
  • Welcoming those He welcomes
  • Trusting His will and way

Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.

Author Bio:

Amanda Jenkins is an author, speaker, and the lead creator of The Chosen’s additional content. Her husband, Dallas Jenkins, son of celebrated Left Behind author Jerry Jenkins, directed and

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