NEW The Chosen Novel (Season 1)  I Have Called You by Name (PB)

NYHET Den utvalda romanen (säsong 1) Jag har kallat dig vid namn (PB)

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Baserad på den hyllade TV-serien The Chosen, den mest fantastiska historien som någonsin berättats – Jesu liv – får en fräsch, ny berättelse från New York Times bästsäljande
författare Jerry B. Jenkins.

Hur var det att möta Jesus ansikte mot ansikte? Hur skulle han ha fått dig att känna, förändrat ditt sätt att tänka om Gud? Skulle han ha vänt upp och ner på din värld? Resan till Galileen under det första århundradet.

Se vilken skillnad han gjorde i livet för dem han kallade att följa honom och hur de för alltid förvandlades. Upplev livet och kraften hos den perfekta Guds Son som aldrig förr – genom ögonen på vanliga människor precis som du.


  • Den officiella romanen baserad på säsong 1 
  • 5,5 x 8,5 dimensioner
  • 384 sidor
  • Pocketbok
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NEW The Chosen Novel (Season 1)  I Have Called You by Name (PB)

NYHET Den utvalda romanen (säsong 1) Jag har kallat dig vid namn (PB)

Vanligt pris $19.99
Försäljningspris $19.99 Vanligt pris
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Customer Reviews

Based on 49 reviews
Karen S. (Crofton, US)
I love the show, I like the book

It feels a little strange to be reading a novel telling stories I am used to reading in the Bible. But it is not the same, since the book is telling the story told in the chronological order the show does, and includes the more fleshed-out characters, especially the Apostles for whom there is so little biographical information. So the book does help you keep track of which back-story goes with which character. And I have especially enjoyed discovering how deeply woven in is the character of Yusef the Pharisee (who I believe to be man who will be known to history as Joseph of Arimathea). I became a fan of the character when I saw him moved by the Sermon on the Mount, his willingness to help Jarius find Jesus to help his sick daughter, and especially his empathetic counsel to Eden, and the Psalm he scripture he pointed her to. But it was the novel that showed me Yusef was there in the first episode of the first season -- as the student, and early on, shadow of Pharisee Shmuel (I didn't think to check the spelling before I started this.) Because of this, I am considering purchasing the novel for the second season.

Donna W.

Can't wait to read

Rhonda H.

Love these books

daniel b. (New Baltimore, US)
must have!

excellent book...added another dimension to the series

Ruby P. (Portage, US)

I love Jerry Jenkins’ writing. He’s #1 in my opinion. However, I don’t think he applied himself to novel 1. It felt it was just kind of slapped together. Not his best work. I do enjoy the idea of reading some of the thoughts. I will probably buy all the new novels that he writes. Being a fantastic authors not easy.