Bibelstudieguide Säsong 4: Guds godhet för de utvalda

Vanligt pris $26.00
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Discover the ways God's goodness eclipses our suffering

We see it - if we're looking: the Bible promises that God brings good things out of bad things for the sake of His people and for His glory. But the truth be told, when we personally experience suffering, we have a difficult time believing it. 

In this official companion to season 4 of The Chosen, the groundbreaking television series about the life of Jesus, God's Goodness for the Chosen parallels each episode., revealing how God uses suffering to bring about good in the lives of those He loves. It explores how: 

  • Death is eclipsed by life
  • Grief is eclipsed by praise 
  • Questions are eclipsed by resolve
  • Confusion is eclipsed by grace
  • Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
  • Heartbreak is eclipsed by love 
  • Sin is eclipsed by obedience 
  • Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God's plan 

Just as it was for the early followers of Jesus, suffering is a painful reality of life. But the hard things we experience are always eclipsed by the bigger things God is doing in and through them. Which means even in our suffering we can know and hold fast to how radically good God is. 

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Bibelstudieguide Säsong 4: Guds godhet för de utvalda

Bibelstudieguide Säsong 4: Guds godhet för de utvalda

Vanligt pris $26.00
Försäljningspris $26.00 Vanligt pris
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Customer Reviews

Based on 101 reviews
Cheryl B.

Love it but not used it much yet. Hope to find a study partner.

Jason G.

Very good Bible studies

Kathy M.

Amazing thoughtful Bible study

Raymond E.

Just what we needed!!!!

Deborah C.

Love everything Chosen sells! The study guides enrich the understanding of fauth.