Jesus Loves The Little Children: A Chosen Story
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Jesus älskar de små barnen: En utvald berättelse

Vanligt pris $15.99
Försäljningspris $15.99 Vanligt pris

Based on Episode Three from Season 1 of the groundbreaking TV
show The Chosen, this book introduces little readers to Jesus—His
kindness, His sense of humor, His availability, and His love for “the
least of these”—through the eyes of children just like them.


Baserad på avsnitt 3 från säsong 1 av det banbrytande TV-programmet The Chosen, introducerar den här boken små läsare för Jesus – hans vänlighet, hans sinne för humor, hans tillgänglighet och hans kärlek till "de minsta av dessa" —genom ögonen på barn precis som dem.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 159 reviews

very cute rendition of the episode into a children’s book! my husband and i love giving these books to new parents in our lives! we’ve gifted at least 3 sets, including “the shepherd” book, so far!


🎉📚 Great book for the kiddos


I got this fir my 7 year old grandson. Love the illustrations and that it follows the episode so closely.

Rudy a.D.S. (Chicago, US)
Gifts purchase for our grand children

My wife and I gave these books as gift to our two grand children. Our grand children are both very young 2 & 3 years old, what better way to start them on their spiritual journey.

Bernadine R. (Chicago, US)
Jesus loves the little children.

What a wonderful book that tells a simple story of how Jesus loves the little children. I have given this book to my nieces and nephew to read.