Get Used to Different Student Study Guide
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Every generation asks the same fundamental questions...
Who am I? Where do I belong?
How can I find meaning and purpose and acceptance?
Jesus answered all of these questions in a radically simple way:
"Follow me."
This official student guide to The Chosen will help readers dive into the Bible alongside the series to:
- discover who Jesus says they really are
- understand what it means to follow Him
- learn how to surrender in good and bad times
- get that none of us have life totally figured out...but Jesus does.
Semua pesanan diproses dalam 2-3 hari kerja.
Pesanan tidak dikirim atau dikirimkan pada akhir pekan atau hari libur.
Jika kami mengalami pesanan dalam jumlah besar, pengiriman mungkin tertunda beberapa hari.
Mohon izinkan hari tambahan dalam perjalanan untuk pengiriman.
Jika terjadi penundaan yang signifikan dalam pengiriman pesanan Anda, kami akan menghubungi Anda melalui email dengan informasi tambahan.

Get Used to Different Student Study Guide
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The Chosen Gifts Size Guide