Jesus Loves The Little Children: A Chosen Story (En Español)
Jesus Loves The Little Children: A Chosen Story (En Español)

Yesus Mengasihi Anak-Anak Kecil: Kisah Pilihan (En Español)

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Jesus disse, “Deixai os pequeninos, e não os impeçais de vir a mim; porque dos tais é o reino dos céus.” Mateus 19:14

Deskripsi Produk

Didasarkan pada episode 3 dari 1ª sementara dari serial transformadora, The Chosen, ini adalah cerita yang disampaikan kepada pequenos leitores uma pengalaman baru tentang Yesus -Sua bondade, senso de humor, disponibilidade dan Seu amor pelos "menores destes" através dos olhos de crianças seperti itu.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ann (Gastonia, US)
Jesus is Love

People must know. Gifting my sister’s grandson will reach both the child and the parents.

Jessica M. (Duluth, US)
Beautifully illustrated

I bought these books to send in cheer packs to the children at Clubhouse Guatemala which my church works with. Finding good Christian books in Spanish isn’t always easy so I was thrilled to have these from The Chosen. I was also able to pick up devotional book 1 from an Ollies in Spanish and those went in cheer pa is for teenagers. Thank you The Chosen for making these resources available on many languages.


The children in Honduras who I sponsor loved these books so did there comunity

Fabiola O. (Toronto, CA)
loved it

Beautiful way of showing to my nephews and niece that God loves them

Julie L. (St Louis, US)

Jesus Loves The Little Children: A Chosen Story (En Español)