The Chosen Kids Activity Book - Season 2
The Chosen Kids Activity Book - Season 2
The Chosen Kids Activity Book - Season 2 open
The Chosen Kids Activity Book - Season 2 writing

Buku Aktivitas Anak Terpilih - Musim 2

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If you’re looking for a fun resource to help kids explore the life of Jesus, this is the one. 

Deskripsi Produk

Berdasarkan Season 2 dari The Chosen dan menampilkan Kitab Suci yang memberi semangat, pencarian kata dan pengacakan, labirin, pemecah kode, teka-teki silang, perbandingan gambar, dan banyak lagi akan melibatkan hati dan pikiran – dan menginspirasi pertumbuhan spiritual dan pengembangan karakter.

Detail Produk:

  • Aktivitas Meliputi: 
    • Labirin
    • Penemuan Kata
    • Teka-teki silang
    • Pemecah kode
    • Pesan acak
    • Temukan Perbedaannya
    • Dan masih banyak lagi
  • Usia yang Direkomendasikan: 6-12 tahun
  • Halaman: 160
  • Ukuran: 8,5" x 11"
  • Sampul lembut
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    The Chosen Kids Activity Book - Season 2

    Buku Aktivitas Anak Terpilih - Musim 2

    Harga reguler $14.99
    Harga jual $14.99 Harga reguler
    The Chosen Gifts Size Guide

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 43 reviews
    Karen W.

    Absolutely love these books for my sons

    Gizelle B. (Kimberly, US)
    Summer fun

    My grandchildren are going to live it, I’ve looked through it and found great activities for both ages 2 &9, I’m excited to share this book with them !

    Regina D. (Acworth, US)
    Great job

    My granddaughter lives the activity book.

    Jodi S.

    Our granddaughter loves her activity book.

    Susan C. (Wausau, US)
    Kids season 2 activity book

    I bought this for my granddaughter who is now seven years old. I had bought the season, one kids activity book and she loves it. But as she gets a little older, she can do more of the puzzles. So I haven’t given her the Second book until she finishes the first. Based on how she is with the first book I’m sure she’ll love it. I think it’s wonderful.