
Season 3 | Special Edition Disc Set

Normaalihinta $49.99
Alennushinta $49.99 Normaalihinta

Five loaves. Two fish. Impossible math.

Tuotteen Kuvaus

Five loaves. Two fish. Impossible math.

Jesus delivers a sermon that will change the world. The result? Life gets harder for His followers. From a marital crisis at home to a disastrous mission abroad, their struggles leave them weary and weighed down…until a little boy with five loaves and two fishes shows up.

Along with all eight episodes, this Season 3 Special Edition includes:

  • All eight episodes 
  • The Making of Season 3 special feature 
  • Walking on Water documentary
  • The original scripts 
  • Bible Roundtable discussions of the full season
  • Behind-the-scenes photo gallery
  • Sounds of the Story—the ability watch with the musical score only
  • Audio and subtitles available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
  • Region Free 
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Customer Reviews

Based on 367 reviews
Lynn H. (Tyler, US)
Love the series

Have not been able to watch extras yet, but love the series!

David G. (Dalton, US)

Love the series the best ever produced an written. Amazing actors an actresses. Thank you all for everything an all you do. God Bless

JoAnn S. (Dundalk, US)

Season 3 | Special Edition Disc Set


Fantastic gifts!

John K. (Charlotte, US)
Special dvd season 3

I love the capability of full control over the episodes, as well as the extras which help fill out much info for each episode. I also have the expanded dvds for Seasons 1 and 2. If you love The Chosen, then you naturally want as much information and discussion as is offered.