Los Elegidos Vengan y Vean Novela 2 (En Español)
You’ll be taken inside the Roman officials’ growing concern about Jesus’ popularity, the accounts of Jesus’ confrontations with the religious establishment, and how the disciples try to wrap their minds around everything they’re witnessing.
As Jesus’ ministry grew, more and more people wanted to hear and be healed by this man claiming to be the Messiah. Some were eager—others were critical and reluctant. All, by encountering Jesus, were forever changed.
New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins (yep, storytelling runs in the Jenkins family) follows Jesus and his followers as their ministry grows — and there’s no shortage of trouble along the way.
Product Details:
- The official novel is based on Season 2 of the immensely popular TV series The Chosen, which has been seen in every country in the world, with over 500 million views.
- Jacketed hardcover with spot gloss.
- Spanish translation
* This product's main font size is 10.5 pt *
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