The Chosen Songs Season 1 (CD)
Season One Soundtrack
The uplifting soundtrack of The Chosen is a key contributor to the final, powerful message of the show. Penned by Matthew S. Nelson and Dan Haseltine, and paired with the evocative vocals of Ruby Amanfu, this soaring accompaniment to the story of Jesus and His disciples brings you the emotional impact of each character’s journey.
Product Details:
- Walk on the Water
- A Town on Fire
- Brothers Fight
- Mary's Journey
- The Embrace
- Mary in the Market
- Shabbat
- Jesus and the Children
- Gone Fishing
- Miraculous Catch of Fish
- Party Montage
- Water Into Wine
- Jesus Heals a Leper
- The Roof
- Holy Ground
- Jesus Calls Matthew
- Time to Go
- Woman at the Well
- Trouble
- End Credits
The Chosen Season 1 Soundtrack can also be downloaded on Spotify and Apple Music.
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