Season 1 | Special Edition Disc Set
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This 6-disc Special Anniversary Edition features the highest quality presentation available on DVD / Blu-ray and includes the complete selection of bonus features available on disc, along with hours of bonus content.
Product Details:
- Region Free
- All new director, writers, and cast commentaries
- “Insight Track” - Insider facts and biblical insights while you watch the show
- Multiple behind the scenes videos
- Character and cast biographies and interviews
- View the entire set of script pages from all 8 episodes
- Behind the scenes slide shows
- Bible/historical roundtable discussions where consultants discuss each episode
- Producers and actors discuss the genesis of the show and their experiences
- Sounds of the Story: Watch with the musical score only
- “A New Thing” - Watch the founders of Angel Studios and the creators of The Chosen give an inside look at the history and future of the project!
- The Shepherd (Christmas Special)
- …and so much more!
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