Soooon Black Hoodie
“Aaaaaahhhhh—that word ‘soon’—it’s the most imprecise thing in the world. What is soon? A few hours? A few days? Years? A hundred years? A thousand? Ask my Father in heaven how long a thousand years is. Then talk to me about ‘soon.’” - Jesus to Simon, Season 2, Episode Two
“Soon” has become a favorite inside joke on the Chosen. Funny because it’s true, the show paints an honest picture of how humans constantly struggle with divine timing…not you, of course, but other humans. ;)
Whenever we find ourselves praying, “How long, Oh Lord?!”, maybe this “sooooon” joke is a way to remember that, just like the disciples, we’ll look back one day, laugh, and say, “Yep, He was right on time!”
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