Christmas With The Chosen
Experience the first Christmas through the eyes of Mary and Joseph. Follow the young couple as they take the long road to Bethlehem and prepare for Jesus’ birth.
Enjoy an extraordinary lineup of musicians performing both new and classic Christmas songs from the set of The Chosen.
- Phil Wickham
- Brandon Lake
- Maverick City Music
- Cain
- Matt Maher
- Bryan & Katie Torwalt
- Jordan Feliz
- We The Kingdom
- The Bonner Family
- Leanna Crawford
- Dawson Hollow
- One Voice Children's Choir
Special Bonus Feature: The Sheperd, A Story of the First Christmas - the short film that started it all for The Chosen.
Product Details:
- 1 copy of Christmas With The Chosen
- English and Spanish subtitles are available
- Region Free
- The Shepherd (Christmas Special)
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